- 5 years
- a reaction
- Aeroplane
- All Is Full Of Love
- Bachelorette
- Bachelorette
- being happy with Homogenic
- being truthful
- Björk à propos du titre Alarm Call
- Björk à propos du titre All Is Full Of Love
- Björk à propos du titre All Is Full Of Love
- Björk à propos du titre Bachelorette
- Björk à propos du titre Bachelorette
- Björk à propos du titre Bachelorette
- Björk à propos du titre Hunter
- Björk à propos du titre Jóga
- fighting
- going minimal
- grabbing people
- her beats
- her work on Homogenic
- Homogenic
- Homogenic being extroverted
- Homogenic being a homecoming
- Homogenic being better than Debut
- Homogenic being calm
- Homogenic being the most "her" yet
- Homogenic having no producer
- Homogenics emotion
- how Homogenic is different
- Hunter
- I dare you
- Icelandic techno
- Icelandic techno
- Immature
- Jóga
- less toys
- moving to Spain
- one flavour
- one flavour
- one flavour
- pleasing herself
- Pluto
- Pluto
- Pluto
- Pluto
- recording
- recording in Spain
- So Broken
- So Broken
- starting on the next album
- the album cover
- the challenge
- the next album
- the sound of Homogenic
- the title
- the title
- the title "Homogenic"
- the video for All is full of love
- the video for All is full of love
- Unravel
- vs Debut and Post
- what Homogenic is about
- what Homogenic is like
- who Homogenic is
- working with RZA from Wu-Tang Clan
- writing for friends
Björk à propos du titre Bachelorette
Because I wanted the lyrics to be so epic, I got my friend Sjón - who’s a poet in Iceland - to write them. We sat together at the kitchen table and drank a lot of red wine and I told him the whole story for hours and days and he wrote the words from that story.
Record Collector, August 2002, August 2002