
date titre publication type
01.09.2000 Chef-d’oeuvre in the dark Chronic’art chronique
22.05.2012 In Which We Resist Asking Björk to Play Scrabble betabeat
27.02.2015 Comment accrocher une chanson à un mur ? Libération interview
09.03.2015 Björk’s black lake director on iceland, special effects and facing criticism i-D Magazine
02.04.2015 Andrew Thomas Huang on Björk, MoMA and virtual reality Creative Review interview
28.05.2016 Bjork’s Vivid Sydney show at Carriageworks a homage to pop provocateur The Australian interview
28.05.2016 Björk Digital : Vivid Sydney brings Icelandic singer’s wild visuals to Carriageworks The Daily Telegraph (AU)
01.06.2016 Vivid Sydney : Bjork calls out ’boys’ club’ in music as she launches into virtual reality The Sydney Morning Herald
02.06.2016 Björk Digital : the guide TimeOut
02.06.2016 Bjork Tells Artists To Make Like The Military And Embrace Technology The Music
02.06.2016 Vivid the only place for Bjork’s virtual reality exhibition Bjork Digital The Daily Telegraph (AU)
03.06.2016 "It’s no coincidence that the porn industry has embraced virtual reality" The Guardian (AU) interview
03.06.2016 Bjork delves into her Vivid world at Carriageworks The Australian journal
19.07.2016 Björk virtual reality exhibition to go on show at Somerset House The Guardian journal
31.08.2016 Björk : ‘I build bridges between tech and the human things we do’ The Guardian journal
01.09.2016 Plongée en réalité virtuelle dans l’extravagance de Björk Le Courrier international journal
06.09.2016 Björk : With all the Earth’s Electricity Crack Magazine interview
06.09.2016 Making shapes with Björk and VR Crack Magazine magazine
06.10.2016 Björk : ’I’m not into normcore sexuality’ Evening Standard Magazine interview
17.10.2016 Plonger au cœur de Björk Journal de Montréal
18.10.2016 Björk Digital immerses visitors in singular singer’s world Montreal Gazette
18.10.2016 Björk Digital - une exposition en réalité virtuelle Notre Montréalité
19.10.2016 Vidéoclip magnifié Le Devoir
22.10.2016 Superbes et lumineuses Le Devoir chronique
28.01.2017 Un Nouveau chant de vision Libération journal
08.05.2017 Björk’s Words of Wisdom on Technology, Multitasking, and Collaboration Pitchfork interview
17.05.2017 Bjork Explains the Immersive VR Exhibit She’s Bringing to L.A. and Her Obsession With Beyonce LA Weekly interview
18.05.2017 ’Björk Digital’ : Sonic dreams become virtual reality in downtown L.A. LA Times interview
21.05.2017 Bjork Digital : ’Digging a cave with a teaspoon’ SCPR
21.05.2017 ‘Bjork Digital’ Virtual-Reality Art Exhibition Arrives in Downtown L.A. Variety interview