16 avril 2023


Indio, Etats-Unis

1er week-end du festival Coachella

dear audience
i wanted to share with you excitedly that i was joined with 864 drones tonight !!!
as you probably know i am touring with 2 very different concerts these days ,
cornucopia : very complex , tons of screens , bespoke instruments and celebrates the techno side in me ...
the show tonight was orkestral which is me , all about simplicity , only conductor @bjarnifrimann and orchestra playing a selection of my songs .
so in honour of @coachella magnificent festival ( i played here first 21 years ago pregnant ) i asked a drone company , studio drift , to join us .
i have always been very interested in digital notation and the abstraction of tonality being visual so hopefully the audience got slashes of synesthesia while watching . me and @james.t.merry came with the theme to the shapes ... we wanted to do architectural and biological movements , curves ....
i do hope you enjoyed it

