Evelyn Glennie


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Evelyn Glennie


Evelyn Glennie est une percussionniste surdouée, sourde à 90 %.

Travail avec Björk

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Evelyn Glennie is one of the people I’ve had the good fortune of meeting. She is an amazing percussionist, one of the most respected in the classical world. She’s the same age as me which is quite young for that field. She’s amazing.


À propos du titre Oxygen

It is very difficult to explain the feeling when you meet someone for the first time and somehow magic happens. ’Oxygen’ was the first experiment Bjork and I made back in 1995. Everything we did we recorded ; this piece, with all the pops and rattles and other unrefined noises, shows that this was a totally spontaneous effort - without ’makeup’ or doctoring of any kind. This is how I like to make music. This piece remained untitled until appearing on this album. Why ’Oxygen’ ? I haven’t the foggiest

Evelyn Glennie


Petit tour dans l’atelier d’Evelyn Glennie qui se rappelle la composition de My Spine
