We all are struggling
Just doing our best
Gone through the grinder
Suffered loss

Loss to, to which everything flows
an absence which
Attracts floral blooming softly

Soft is my chest
didn’t allow loss
Loss make me hate
or harden from pain

This pain we have
will always be there
But the sense of full satisfaction too

I opened my heart for you
Your lower lip so heavy on you
My spine curved, erotically
Finally vulnerable

Loss of love, we all have suffered
How we make up for it, defines who we are
It defines us
how we overcome it
Recover, repair from loss

Loss of faith, just ignite survivors
They stare doubt straight into the eye

I forgive
the past is bondage
Freedom aphrodisiac

I’ve opened my heart for you
Tied ribbons on my ankles for you
drew orchids on my thighs for you
Your lower lip so heavy on you
My spine curved erotically
finally vulnerable

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Paroles : Björk
Ecriture : Björk
Production : Björk, Rabit et Arca
Mixage : Heba Kadry
Mixage choeur : Marta Salogni

Rabit à propos du titre

You co-produced a track, ‘Loss’, on Björk’s new album Utopia. Can you tell me the story behind that ?
Rabit : I met Björk a few years through Robin Carolan of Tri Angle Records. I was sharing the Communion demos with her and she was really into the track ‘Pandemic’. This was around the time she was first writing Utopia, but the track was already firmly fixed into my album. So she asked me for a beat, and of course I was floored. We worked on the song for maybe two years, off and on – some remote work, some at her home in Brooklyn. It was a chance for me to really see a master at work. I’ve never seen a song produced in this way, with such specificity, intention, and patience. Intention is important to me.
When Trump started sabotaging things, I was texting her, ‘We need a new pied piper. Do it !’ It feels good to be this open amongst fellow artists, Björk and Alejandro (Ghersi, aka Arca), to say things out loud and make them important and set that intention, to be amongst people who agree with this. It’s humane and it’s very powerful.




  • Rabit
