24 juillet 2022

Blue Dot Festival

Cheshire, Royaume-Uni
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En raison de la pandémie du Covid-19, le concert initialement prévu le 26 juillet 2020 a été reporté à l’édition 2021.

Date exclusive au Royaume-Uni, annoncée comme une création unique avec le Hallé Orchestra de Manchester, en clôture du festival.


Björk avait le Covid 5 jours avant de monter sur scène. C’est elle qui l’a annoncé à la fin du concert.


Sunday feels centred on Björk’s performance with the Hallé symphony orchestra, with the singer arriving dressed like some kind of space slug. It’s a slow, almost sombre beginning, heavy on restraint and powerful on emotion. Black Lake still feels palpably heartbreaking and is elevated to torturous levels with the swell of the strings plunging us deeper into its icy waters. Hunter is exquisite, containing all the tension and release of an entire film score condensed into one song.
No electronics or beats are heard whatsoever – normally such a vital part of her work – and it feels questionable whether the format will fully sustain itself as an outdoor headline set but the heights are plentiful. Jóga and Hyperballad are almost overwhelming, with Björk pushing her voice as far as it will go after just getting over Covid.
What remains striking throughout the set is how much tenderness and delicacy shines through. Despite having such firepower behind her, rarely is she lost amid a swirl of engulfing strings screeching at jet plane volume ; instead they gently encircle her, often allowing a potent silence to ring out. It only cements what a unique set it has been from such a deeply idiosyncratic performer. As you gaze up once again at the moon-like telescope that shines above, it feels like a suitably unique setting.



 Björk en tête d’affiche du Blue Dot Festival
 Report de la tournée Björk Orchestral



sur scène

  • Bjarni Frímann Bjarnason
  • Hallé Orchestra


habillée par

  • Hungry
  • James Merry


  • Santiago Felipe