taking her time to record

I needed, like every time, about a year and a half. I need months because most of the time I do nothing at all. I have the privilege of being my own boss ; if I don’t feel inspired, I don’t work. Even before, when I was a teenager and I used to play in punk bands, I couldn’t stand wasting my time for the rehearsals. This makes music stiff and heavy. I’d show up at the studio, write a melody really fast, a structure, and then I was off. The other members from the Sugarcubes were constantly making fun of me because I always kept yawning all the time in the studio… That’s got to be why things so really fast when I find myself in the recording studio with guests/collaborators—I want these encounters to be intense and brief. Even if it means after, staying a year on my computer to cut, paste, reorganize... For me this work isn’t tedious ; it’s relaxing, like doing embroidery... It’s an ideal mix : rough, instinctive energy is on tape. For me to play with.

Les Inrockuptibles, March 2007