21 juillet 2017

FYF Festival

Los Angeles, États-Unis
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Photos by Santiago Felipe
Masque par James Merry
Maquillage par by Slater Stanley
Robe par Zhuxuan He


Nature met technology in Bjork’s performance Friday night at FYF Fest, which had the Icelandic singer flexing her remarkable voice — a one-of-a-kind marvel no algorithm could devise — against a backing of live strings and clattering machine beats.

Wearing a lime-green face mask and a dress that made her look like a living party streamer, Bjork sang material from throughout her expansive catalog — including hits like "Joga" and "Bachelorette" as well as material from her 2015 album "Vulnicura" — while behind her, a giant video screen showed images of birds dancing and a moth laying eggs.

Occasionally, Arca, the Venezuelan producer with whom Bjork made "Vulnicura," would unload a fusillade of harsh digital noise. But then the singer would reach for a high note and remind you of the flesh and blood onstage and in her songs. latimes


sur scène

  • Arca


habillée par

  • James Merry


  • Andrew Thomas Huang
  • Encyclopedia Pictura
  • Inez+Vinoodh
  • Jesse Kanda
  • Michel Gondry
  • Warren du Preez & Nick Thornton-Jones


  • Santiago Felipe