If there’s a troubador washing, it is he
If there’s a man about town, it is he
It there’s one to be sought, it is he
If there are nine she’s, they are bought for me

This way is
as is she
and he placed her unclothed
long (long) longlegged

On top of the family tree

And if he has chosen the point
while she is under him
then leave her coily placed
for it is I with

Her on knee

I leave her
without pith
or feel
and leave her be, leave her be
for he controls
what there’ll be
he makes
his face known to none
for if he is seen
then all will
and all will

Know me

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Harm Of Will

Les paroles racontent l’histoire « d’un troubadour libertin qui s’adonne à des plaisir sexuels sans lendemain avec ses conquêtes ».


Paroles : Björk, Harmony Korine et Guy Sigworth
Edition Vocale : Björk
Arrangements Cordes : Björk
Orchestration : Vince Mendoza
Arrangements Choeurs : Vince Mendoza
Celesta et Arrangements Celesta : guy Sigsworth
Ingénieur Enregistrement : Valgeir Sigurðsson
Production : Björk
Mixage : Mark Stent


  • Harmony Korine